A Grow Store Like No Other

High Quality Cannabis
Production Equipment You Can Trust

We’ve spent countless hours on research to find products and services that align with our high standards, principles and ethics. We know how hard it can be to find the right products for high quality cannabis production.

That’s why we decided to open up our own online store, Ascended Organics! Everything you see here is something we use, or have used in the past. Everything comes from a source we trust to deliver the best. 

Ascended Organics strives to go far beyond the requirements for organic certifications by incorporating things like biodynamic preparations, sea water agriculture, and other regenerative agricultural methodologies. If you feel you’re ready to take your grow game up a level, check out the latest tech and the richest organic, living soils, right here. 

Do you prefer Hydro, Super Soil, No-Till, or maybe just a premium base soil? We can do it all and ship it right to you. Whether you’re a small caregiver operation or a large commercial facility, Ascended Organics can deliver top of the line cannabis production equipment and premium, beyond organic soil, nutrients and amendments for you!

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